Birth of the Future Behind Glass vases

Dimensions various Year produced 2023 Medium/material mixed media; airbrush, natural crystals and flowers, painting on glass Production self-produced Web Foto Hana Knížová Text DK


Three iconic vases, three production processes and updates. The first, Egermann-like vase with enamel and gold paint has acquired a new, decorative layer. The idea behind the work can be expressed as having “sugary strengths” – works which are at first sight kitschy may have hidden value in terms of craftsmanship and local folklore. The second vase dons the traditional PK500 cut décor (Bohemia Crystal), modified by the process of borax crystal growth, while the third vase, produced by Moser, is adorned with expressive color by means of air-brush technologies (much like in the previous work Zrod budoucna ukrytý za malovaným ornamentem / Birth of the Future Hidden Behind a Painted Ornament, 2019). The irregular drip of the sprayed paint can never be exactly predicted, so the use of airbrush pistols in contrast to the historical manual decor seems almost iconoclastic.


František Jungvirt (* 1996) studied glass painting at the vocational middle school in Třeboň and graduated with a university degree from the Glass Studio of the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design, where he was supervised by Rony Plesl. He currently works under his own eponymous brand. His work mostly employs traditional heritage techniques of Czech glassmaking, which he reinterprets in fresh new ways. František strives to push the technical and visual limits of the art in every piece he makes. Playfulness of shape, color and hand-painted motifs are characteristic of his work. Apart from designing applied art objects, he also works on purely artistic pieces, installations and limited-edition glass collections. He is member of the Homo Faber and North Lands Creative art platforms. Since 2020, he has been Artistic Director of the KLIMCHI glass brand.

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Fishing collection by ANTONÍN TOMÁŠEK