Mirror Man performance

Dimensions 2600 mirrors, 2 mm thick, 25 kg Year produced 1995 Medium/material a suit of mirrors Production self-produced Web Foto Stanislav Müller archive Text ES


This multimedia art project produced by Stanislav Müller has been ongoing for close to thirty years. Müller performed his first performances in a mirror suit in 1996, and then also presented it as part of his graduate work at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague. Müller created the Mirror Man as a method of assimilation – the surrounding world is reflected in 2600 little mirrors, and merges with the figure. The artist does not act out of place, but rather tries to meld with his surroundings. Mirror Man is a reaction to the overproduction of luxury, individualism and lack of self-reflection in society, remaining topical to this day. The project is represented at the exhibition by the suit, as well as Stanislav Müller’s live performance at select times.


Sculptor, glassmaker, artist and performer Stanislav Müller ( 1971) graduated from the Glass Studio of Vladimír Kopecký at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague. Since 1996 until today, he has been developing his performative project Mirror Man. Between 2012 and 2016, he worked as visiting professor at the Toyama City Institute of Glass Art in Japan. He has collaborated with foremost Czech glassmaking brands. As part of Lasvit’s collection Monster Cabaret, he created a series of cut sculptures called Manabi*, which helped Lasvit receive the eminent Milano Design Award of 2018.

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